Friday, August 29, 2008

Codorus State Park

Andy & I just spent a couple peaceful days at Codorus State Park located in Hanover PA. And yes, we did see the UTZ chip factory & the very large home of Hanover Foods. Our plans included fishing, reading, photography,& eating. Not too lucky on the fishing part, did really well on the eating & pretty good photography wise. Got a few paragraphs read on the lounge chair too. We rented a camping cottage, very nice except for the hard bed. The nearby lake was a beautiful blue color & enjoyed watching the sailboats. Did go out with Andy fishing one time, an unlucky trip for him, but I got some cool images to share. Squrrels were our nearest neighbors & provided much opportunity for photography, as did a chipmunk that was in & out. Sadly, as we approached the lake one evening an accident had happened just ahead, one of the vehicles was on fire, & emergency personnel soon arrived on scene. A helicopter was called to transport one of the drivers & landed on the highway. Fortunately, a news check the following day stated all involved were OK. We did make an emergency trip to Panara to take advantage of Wii since we were in internet withdrawal & for a yummy chia tea. One of the shots I am sharing today is of a great blue heron who had no intention of posing for me, as you will see he refused to stick around!

1 comment:

~Brenda said...

It’s always nice to get away for a while; glad you two had a nice time!
I see what you mean about the blue heron not wanting to pose.