Friday, September 18, 2009

Young Firefighters

This past Wednesday evening the local fire company burnt a house near where I live. My husband has been a member of the fire company for many years. Currently he volunteers with the fire police & assisted with traffic control for the evening. The Rebel & I went along to see what we could capture. One of it's functions was to provide hands on training for the next generation of firefighters. As I watched the young men & women (high school age) manage this fire, of course the more seasoned firefighters were near by & assisted. I was quite impressed. From start to finish they worked extremely hard. From my vantage point I could hear some of the orders shouted by the chief & noticed how quickly the youngsters acted. Too often we hear & see how much damage our young folks do, never acknowledge their strengths.

As far as the photography, I learned flames photograph beautifully. Could I do it again? Never on an unplanned structure fire. Far too many emotions ran through my mind as I watched. I knew the house was empty & had been for awhile. The owner had stripped everything he wanted....but a house was on fire! I have begun to edit the images, I have that same feeling that something horrible happened.

1 comment:

~Brenda said...

Very intense photos; I can almost feel the heat and sense the danger.

Good to know that some young people are learning and obeying orders.